
    The full automatic oval-convey line is specially designed for the large scale automotive seat cushion foaming line.It is in oval structure on the ground, which can set up 60 stations at most, and the production rhythm can be adjusted automatically. The system adopts robot automatic pouring, which can realize the mixed line production of double hardness car seat cushion and back cushion.It has the characteristics of high degree of automation, safe and reliable performance, and suitable for mass production etc.

景泰县| 乡宁县| 海城市| 隆安县| 左云县| 永福县| 兴文县| 巩留县| 太谷县| 通道| 六盘水市| 临江市| 五峰| 会东县| 元阳县| 环江| 新宁县| 大冶市| 黔江区| 察雅县| 绥棱县| 三都| 大渡口区| 措勤县| 灵武市| 柳河县| 鲁甸县| 汝南县| 六枝特区| 曲阜市| 达拉特旗| 莱西市| 呼图壁县| 安远县| 大化| 常宁市| 启东市| 宣武区| 枝江市| 景泰县| 陆良县|